Canberra City Farm Wiki

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Original watercolour painting by Lucy Everitt for Australian City Farms and Community Gardens Network



Welcome to the Canberra City Farm Wiki[]

The Canberra City Farm wiki provides us with a communications hub, where summaries of presentations to meetings plus information, research, working group activity and input can be shared. Please feel free to add content or comment, whilst being respective of all users. Please edit pages freely (all previous versions are saved). If you want to discuss rather than edit go to Talk or Sandpit

Content on the wiki is displayed Newest to Oldest so you can instantly find any new information or comments. There are separate pages for a mission statement page, each working group , a general news page , and a to do page. There is also a calendar for quick access to upcoming events, both for the CIty Farm group and other relevant events. Links are displayed on the home page.

Vision and Purpose[]

Working Groups Arts and CultureEducation and OutreachEnterprisesFinance and StructureFood ProductionFood SurplusKids and Youth Planning and ApprovalSites

TODO: 1. Create poll for voting on name 2. Type up mission statement

Latest activity[]
